Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Coffee .....what? a post just about coffee.....um.....YES!

First of all I want to really specify that you need to buy organic coffee from a trusted source.  Coffee is one of the highly sprayed plants, so make sure you buy organic.  I wanted to talk about this today because I have tried to come up with the best mixture for coffee.  I have messed around with different things. After researching coffee machines etc., I decided to get a french press.  I like things easy, and simple.  You can also make loose tea in this.  I can't speak for other french presses but this is the one I bought and have loved it....   To hold the heat in after I add the water, I put a clean towel right over the french press....it keeps it hotter.

I grind my own beans in this & L💛VE the whole process from hearing it grind to the smell....SO YUMMY!

Add ground coffee, pour 200 degree water, stir, put lid on with presser up and let sit for 7-8 minutes.    Push the presser down and your coffee is ready!  An awesome benefit to the grounds is you can mix them with a little olive oil or coconut oil when they cool down and you have an awesome body & face scrub.

This Coffee is a good one....

I just ran out of coffee in which I loved the brand above.  I'm now trying Dr. Mercola's Medium Roast coffee and got his grinder to go with it.  He has three different kinds, this is the one I chose.  You can get a single package or get a three pack.  Here is the link Dr. Mercola's coffee.  Update:  I am now trying Dr. Mercola's Dark Roast and love it too.

Organic Whole Bean Coffee - Mexican Chiapas (1lb): 1 Bag

Here is what I use.....

 1 TBS. Organic Coconut Milk Powder, 1/2 tsp. organic Ceylon Cinnamon, 1 TBS Maca Powder, 1 TBS Cacao Powder, 1/2-1 scoop of Green Smoothie Girl's Chocolate Bone Broth Powder, and one or two Organic Dates.  I blend this altogether for 45-60 seconds in my in my Vitamix  Um.....yum.....

Optional add ins... 1/2-1 tsp. Turmeric powder, MCT oil, Coconut oil.

Benefits of Drinking Coffee
  • High in Antioxidants. For starters, one of the biggest benefits of drinking coffee is it contains massive amounts of antioxidants. ...
  • Protects the Liver. ...
  • Aids Physical Activity. ...
  • Supports Cognitive Function
  • Can help you burn fat
  • Can improve energy levels & make you smarter
  • contains essential nutrients
  • May protect you from alzheimer's disease & dementia
  • May lower your risk of Parkinson's
  • Can fight depression & make you happier
  • May lower risk of certain types of cancer
  • May lower stroke risk
  • May help you live longer

Homemade Cough Syrup

Cough Syrup  (for allergies, sore throat, and cough) 3 TBS Fresh Lemon Juice or Raw Apple Cider Vinegar 1/4 Cup Raw Honey 2 TBS Extra Vi...