Check in with yourself throughout the day and ask yourself.....In what I am about to say or do, do my desires stem from my lower or higher self?
Wayne Dyer
Once you have learned how to enter your inner kingdom, you have a special retreat within that is always available to you. Your soul-that inner quiet space-is yours to consult. It will always guide you in the right direction.
When I woke up this morning, I felt I needed to share some of the things that have and do help me in my life, many of them in some of the darkest moments of my life. They are very powerful and very close to my heart. I suggest going through these and make your own notebook of whatever stands out to you.
Of all of these, meditation has become my ultimate favorite and has changed my life. Wayne Dyers meditations turned on a light bulb for me and changed my life forever. Wayne Dyer suggests five minutes before going to bed, instead of reviewing bad things that have happened that day, to instead go over your I AM statements and your intentions and what you want to manifest in your life. He suggests keeping this by your bed written or on a sign......"I am going to use these moments to review what I intend to manifest into my life." Going to bed at a healthy time every night, is sooooo important. Sleeping is the time for your body to heal and repair. Our bodies are amazing and when we give them what they need, they will repair and heal.
*I do a Thankful Journal every morning while I drink my tea or coffee..... I write down all the things I'm thankful for including things I want that I write I'm already thankful for having them. Second I do I AM's, and third I write LOVE in the middle and write down every positive word or things that come to my mind.
*I am Love
*I am Peace
*I am Joy
*I am Abundance
*I am Grateful
*I am in a healthy relationship or marriage
*I am beautiful inside and out.
*I am open to anything good the universe has to offer.
*I am open to abundance.
*I am open to abundance.
*My finances are secure.
*I am saving more money everyday.
*I am prosperous, healthy, and happy.
*I spend only what I have.
*I am building a financially stable future for myself and my family.
*I value my time and energy.
*I value my money.
*I deserve to be prosperous.
*I am worthy of receiving abundance.
*I am the source of my abundance.
*I focus on what I love and draw it to me.
*My choices and possibilities are expanding everyday.
*My thoughts are loving and positive.
*My dreams are coming true.
*I trust that the universe will always meet my needs.
*My energy is focused and directed to my goals.
*I am willing to accept the best life has to offer.
*I am open to opportunities.
*I honor myself at all times.
*I give myself permission to have what I want.
*I believe in unlimited possibilities.
*I am creative and capable.
*The universe always serves my higher interests.
*I expect and receive the very best.
*I accept good things into my life with gratitude.
*I trust that everything comes at the perfect time and in the perfect way.
*I am a special, unique person with much to offer the world.
*I allow myself to play and enjoy life.
*I bring love to everything I do.
*I appreciate all that I have.
*I always do my best.
*I picture success for everyone.
*I am succeeding!
*I give myself permission to be and do what I want.
*I value myself.
*I learn from my challenges.
*I allow myself to dream.
*My dreams are coming true.
*I manage my money wisely.
*I am self confident, loving, and generous.
*My energy flows freely and easily in all areas of my life.
*My life is alive with vitality.
*I open to my inner guidance.
*I focus on my goals daily.
*I am happy, healthy, wealthy, healed, and whole.
*My self worth and net worth are building everyday.
*I have wealth in every are of my life.
*Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.
From Wayne Dyer...
*I have the ability to accomplish any task I set my mind to, with comfort and ease.
*Being myself involves no risks. It's my ultimate truth, and I live fearlessly.
*I have infinite patience when it comes to fulfilling my own destiny.
*I'd rather be loathed for being who I am, than loved for who I am not.
*I am a divine creation, a piece of God. Therefore, I cannot be undeserving.
*My essential nature is perfect and faultless. It is to this nature that I return.
*I am connected to an unlimited source of abundance.
*The right circumstances and the right people are already here and will show up on time.
*I am open and willing to attract all that I desire, beginning here and now.
*I have access to unlimited assistance. My strength comes from my connection to Source.
*I'm a creation of the Divine mind, all is perfect, and I am a genius in my own right.
*I'm an infinite being. The age of my body has no bearing on what I do and who I am.
*I live my life according to my own Divine rules.
*I think only about what I can do right now. By thinking small, I accomplish great things.
*I feel passionately about my life, and this passion fills me with excitement and energy!
*I live in the moment, and am grateful for all my life experiences. All of them.
*As I de-clutter my life, I free myself to answer the callings of my soul.
*I can accomplish anything I put my mind to because I know I'm never alone.
*I am grateful for all I am and all that I have.
*I am a magnet for success and good fortune.
*Whatever I need is already here, and it is all for my highest good.
*I matter and what I have to offer this world also matters.
*I release the inclination to make anyone else wrong.
*I am happy.
*I am kind.
*I am perfect.
*I am safe and I am loved.
*I am connected to an unlimited source of abundance.
*I forgive everyone, including myself.
*I nourish my mind, body, and soul.
*I relax and enjoy life.
*I am a divinely healthy and fit human being.
*I choose to feel peaceful.
*I am realistic. I expect miracles.
*I forgive myself and then I move on.
*I am ready and willing for miracles to enter my life.
*I am all knowing.
*I am all powerful.
*I am unlimited.
*I am the governing presence governing in perfect divine order commanding harmony, happiness, and the presence of Gods opulence in my mind, my home, and my world.
From Louise Hay.....
*I am grateful for all I am and all that I have.
*I am a magnet for success and good fortune.
*Whatever I need is already here, and it is all for my highest good.
*I matter and what I have to offer this world also matters.
*I release the inclination to make anyone else wrong.
*I am happy.
*I am kind.
*I am perfect.
*I am safe and I am loved.
*I am connected to an unlimited source of abundance.
*I forgive everyone, including myself.
*I nourish my mind, body, and soul.
*I relax and enjoy life.
*I am a divinely healthy and fit human being.
*I choose to feel peaceful.
*I am realistic. I expect miracles.
*I forgive myself and then I move on.
*I am ready and willing for miracles to enter my life.
*I am all knowing.
*I am all powerful.
*I am unlimited.
*I am the governing presence governing in perfect divine order commanding harmony, happiness, and the presence of Gods opulence in my mind, my home, and my world.
From Louise Hay.....
- Life loves me!
- All is well in my world. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe!
- It’s only a thought, and a thought can be changed.
- The point of power is always in the present moment.
- Every thought we think is creating our future.
- I am in the process of positive change.
- I am comfortable looking in the mirror, saying, “I love you, I really love you.”
- It is safe to look within.
- I forgive myself and set myself free.
- As I say yes to life, life says yes to me.
- I now go beyond other people’s fears and limitations.
- I am Divinely guided and protected at all times.
- I claim my power and move beyond all limitations.
- I trust the process of life.
- I am deeply fulfilled by all that I do.
- We are all family, and the planet is our home.
- As I forgive myself, it becomes easier to forgive others.
- I am willing to let go.
- Deep at the center of my being is an infinite well of love.
- I prosper wherever I turn.
- I welcome miracles into my life.
- Whatever I need to know is revealed to me at exactly the right time.
- I am loved, and I am at peace.
- My happy thoughts help create my healthy body.
- Life supports me in every possible way.
- My day begins and ends with gratitude.
- I listen with love to my body’s messages.
- The past is over.
- Only good can come to me.
- I am beautiful, and everybody loves me.
- Everyone I encounter today has my best interests at heart.
- I always work with and for wonderful people. I love my job.
- Filling my mind with pleasant thoughts is the quickest road to health.
- I am healthy, whole, and complete.
- I am at home in my body.
- I devote a portion of my time to helping others. It is good for my own health.
- I am greeted by love wherever I go.
- Wellness is the natural state of my body. I am in perfect health.
- I am pain free and totally in sync with life.
- I am very thankful for all the love in my life. I find it everywhere.
- I know that old, negative patterns no longer limit me. I let them go with ease.
- In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete.
- I trust my intuition. I am willing to listen to that still, small voice within.
- I am willing to ask for help when I need it.
- I forgive myself for not being perfect.
- I honor who I am.
- I attract only healthy relationships. I am always treated well.
- I do not have to prove myself to anyone.
- I come from the loving space of my heart, and I know that love opens all doors.
- I am in harmony with nature.
- I welcome new ideas.
- Today, no person, place, or thing can irritate or annoy me. I choose to be at peace.
- I am safe in the Universe and All Life loves and supports me.
- I experience love wherever I go.
- I am willing to change.
- I drink lots of water to cleanse my body and mind.
- I choose to see clearly with the eyes of love.
- I cross all bridges with joy and ease.
- I release all drama from my life.
- Loving others is easy when I love and accept myself.
- I balance my life between work, rest, and play.
- I return to the basics of life: forgiveness, courage, gratitude, love, and humor.
- I am in charge, I now take my own power back.
- My body appreciates how I take care of it.
- I spend time with positive, energetic people.
- The more peaceful I am inside, the more peace I have to share with others.
- Today is a sacred gift from Life.
- I have the courage to live my dreams.
- I release all negative thoughts of the past and all worries about the future.
- I forgive everyone in my past for all perceived wrongs. I release them with love.
- I only speak positively about those in my world. Negativity has no part in my life.
- We are all eternal spirit.
- I act as if I already have what I want—it’s an excellent way to attract happiness in my life.
- I enjoy the foods that are best for my body.
- My life gets better all the time.
- It is safe for me to speak up for myself.
- I live in the paradise of my own creation.
- Perfect health is my Divine right, and I claim it now.
- I release all criticism.
- I am on an ever-changing journey.
- I am grateful for my healthy body. I love life.
- Love flows through my body, healing all dis-ease.
- My income is constantly increasing.
- My healing is already in process.
- There is always more to learn.
- I now live in limitless love, light, and joy.
- I become more lovable every day.
- It is now safe for me to release all of my childhood traumas and move into love.
- I deserve all that is good.
- I am constantly discovering new ways to improve my health.
- Love is all there is!
- My life gets more fabulous every day.
- Today I am at peace.
- Loving others is easy when I love and accept myself.
- I have the perfect living space.
- I have compassion for all.
- I trust the Universe to help me see the good in everything and in everyone.
- I love my family members just as they are. I do not try to change anyone.
- There is plenty for everyone, and we bless and prosper each other.
- I love and approve of myself.
- Life is good, and so it is!
*If you search Brad Yates on YouTube, he has many free tapping sessions (EFT.....Emotional Freedom Technique) of all different types of categories. I recommend just going through and tapping on what stands out to you. Here is a link to Raising your vibration.
*All of these things are even more powerful doing them while looking in the mirror and/or tapping them while doing them.
*Books that are worth reading.....
Vibe by Robyn Openshaw
Wishes Fulfilled by Wayne Dyer
Three Magic Words by US Andersen
Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life by Wayne Dyer
Oneness by rasha
*I drink clean pure water as soon as I wake up, I don't drink my water with food, and drink it about 30 minutes before I eat. I also exercise before I eat anything, while still in a fasted state. I start eating at 9 or 10 A.M. and stop eating by 5 or 6 P.M., (Intermittent fasting) it gives your body time to cleanse and repair and heal, and weekends I make more flexible. A green smoothie a day is an awesome way to get nutrients in your body.
*Taking a salt bath with Epsom Salts or other detoxifying salts like Dead Sea Salts or Himalayan Salts and putting high quality essential oils in your bath is an awesome way to regroup if you are feeling off. It's also said that 4 cups of Himalayan salts in a bath for 30 minutes is equal to a 3 day fast. With the New Moon being an optimal time for minerals to be absorbed and the Full Moon is optimal time for detoxification.
*Walking, yoga, stretching, & rebounding are my favorite exercises.....deep breathing and get oxygen and flow to your body is priceless. I love to walk outside or jump on my rebounder if the weather doesn't allow for 30 minutes, or do my stretches or yoga. Exercise smart not hard. Be kind to your body and to yourself.
*Listen to your body and what speaks to you. Find your passion in life and what lights you up.
Meditation (which you can get many really good guided meditations on YouTube for free, EFT (search Brad Yates on YouTube...he has lots of different categories for free), EMDR by a trained professional, HYPNOSIS by a trained professional (also some really good free ones on YouTube). These are all the natural ways of healing that I know of that work and rewire the brain to undue trauma.
Here are some of the meditations I do....
Wayne Dyer Ah Morning Meditation
Wayne Dyer I AM That I AM
I highly recommend studying Wayne Dyers books and information.....he is brilliant and his life, changed mine.
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